DVD Organizer Pro is a really universal movie organizer, you can use the program to manage your DVD, Bluray, AVI or even VHS movies. You do not need to type all the movie details, just type the movie title or scan the barcode and you'll get the rest movie details automatically.
Built-in loan manager will keep the history of all your loans and track every movie in your collection. You will never lose your favourite disc again.
Already have a movie database in MS Excel or other program? DVD Organizer Pro will import all your movies fast.
Want to export your database in some format or put it on your website? DVD Organizer Pro is able to export to HTML, CSV, MS Excel, PDF and CHM formats. Make a tabletop movie catalog with built-in print manager, impress your friends!
Want more? Yes, DVD Organizer Pro has many other features as well as intuitive interface. You see, DVD Organizer Pro is a must-have easy-ti-use tool for every movie lover. Download it today and don't forget to try it, since it is free.